Monday, May 31, 2010

Women Have Been Misled.

The United States has been capable of misleading some of the best brains around the world with its propaganda machinery and foreign policy and this is actually what is now happening with the Woman’s movement.
The reality is the first woman’s rights organization was when Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton lead Seneca Falls New York Women’s Rights Convention July 19 – 20 / 1848.
Feminism revived as a culture and political movement (Friedans Feminine Mystique 1963)
The National Organization for Women founded in 1966 and a movement for homosexual rights emerged (Stonewall Riot in New York City 1969).
NOW objective was equal rights for women this was supported by millions of men across America.
However by a vote of 84 to 8 the senate approved a Constitutional Amendment banning discrimination against women because of their sex and sent the measure to the States for ratification in 1972.
The Equal Rights Amendment was defeated after a ten year struggle for ratification in 1982.
Nevertheless NOW continued its struggle until it was used as a front to target women by luring them into a shopping extravaganza purchasing US products around the world. The reason to target women is women are greater in population, more fashion conscious and also larger consumers. This is capitalism at work using countries around the world as markets for US goods including Barbados.
So therefore the scam is to promote women and discredit men using the propaganda machinery in the most derogatory sense with lies and deception.
(For an example) Removing men from the family, also from jobs replacing them with women. Giving girls more grades in the schools than boys. Exaggerating the catch phrase Domestic Violence. This is to mislead women giving them a negative perception of men. This was all fabrication by the US State Department.
The above was to bamboozle women that there were getting ahead of men and Barbadian women have been mislead by this propaganda that keeps coming out of Washington.
However the next step was to excite women by bringing an influx of exciting female products into this country that have women’s heads spinning like a top, especially the fancy cars, and the introduction of credit cards at twenty percent interest.
All this glamour has triggered the shopping spree having women in the whirlpool of debt with all the profits leaving the country for the Banks in the USA and our Government is left picking up the crumbs that fell off the table.
I do hope that Barbadian women will get wise like American women reaching for the scissors and cut the credit card to ribbons and get back to family life.
Neville Roach

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