Thursday, June 3, 2010


Barbados and the rest of the Caribbean are in danger of being destroyed by crime! We have therefore developed the ‘Bloc Against Crime’ - a collective plan that has a role in it for all major institutions of society. And we now present components of it for your consideration.
The function of the family
is vital! As the Ashanti proverb says, ‘the ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people’. For the community to heal it’s ‘wounds, the families of the nation must get involved to end the violence. Our children need to see role models all around them who can inspire them to become successful citizens with strong Christian and other positive values. And this must begin in the home and family
Civil participation
is the foundation of democracy. The culture of civic participation must therefore be restored to the level of vibrancy that was evident in Barbados in the 1960's if we are to be successful in our efforts to stop the increasing violence in our homes, schools, workplaces and communities. Civic education is needed to prepare people, especially the youth, to carry out their duty as citizens and to help them to understand the importance of political participation. Civic education also helps the youth to understand that electing a government is not about creating ‘election beggars’, but rather , is about participating in the political process and understanding why one is choosing to vote for a particular person.
Professional sportsmen and women
also have a role to play. Not only do they have access to the people at the top levels of society, but they are also looked up to by the youth of our nation. These persons are therefore in an extremely powerful position to make a positive impact on the youth of the nation, and to steer them away from violence and crime.
The business and corporate community
should also have a strong interest in improving the quality of life for every one in the society. Business leaders in our communities have a responsibility to impact the violence by providing and creating economic opportunities that will improve the conditions of those who are badly disadvantaged. The business sector has the responsibility to set goals that include the development, implementation and maintenance of community-based businesses, as well as employment initiatives that will deliver a decent "liveable wage" to their employees.
In living up to its responsibility to the community, the business sector should seriously consider coming together to establish a "Community Supermarket" that will provide the poorest segment of our community with the basic necessities, at the lowest possible prices. This will create employment and also relieve some of the social pressure that is currently leading to violence and crime.
The recognition of the value of spiritual development within each human being is essential to the building of relationships that can ultimately reduce crime and violence, by increasing self respect and respect for and tolerance of others. Practicing spiritual disciplines can help people, especially youth, to understand the meaning of the suffering and frustrations of others, thereby enabling them to better control and channel anger.
is the foundation for financial success, the expansion of one’s mind and ability and the making of responsible citizens. When one looks at the history of our people, one can discern that lack of education has often led to the absence of hope, to wasted lives, violence, incarceration, and even death. The entire educational system, from pre-school to university, must be held accountable and made to promote a conducive environment for learning at the mass level.
Additional components of the plan will be laid out in future columns.

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